Friday, April 30, 2010

Global Warming

The recent approval of federal spending to aid in the development of alternative energy by the Obama administration has resulted in criticism from the right wing. What rhetorical strategies are employed to rebuttal such pundits in this political cartoon?

In case the link to this cartoon does not appear:


Sarah said...

This cartoon is satirizing how global warming is becoming a well known fact. We've all experienced it first hand (Texas weather has been even crazier than usual) and to deny our changing climate is just plain dumb. Although animals in the north pole aren't exactly taking a vacation as in the cartoon, they are being greatly affected by the climate change. In fact, animals as well as humans all over the world are having to adapt to different weather than they are used to which is a global problem. The Obama administration is trying to find new ways to reduce our, "carbon footprint," and this cartoon is stating that this is important because if globe keeps warming like it is, the world will have to adapt to drastic climate change.

Anonymous said...

This cartoon is satirizing the affects of global warming. It goes into the absurd on the subject. Animals would never be able to play volleyball or tan like that. This is to make fun of the people who believe that global warming is such a huge thing. Nothing this crazy is happening, and some of the global warming data has actually been found to be incorrect. This reveals that while global warming can be a threat, it is not such a threat as things are completely changing. That's what this cartoon shows in that animals arn't acting like humans right now.