Friday, February 20, 2009

Will hope for work

What is the drawing satirizing? What is the picture depicting about our future? How is the representation of "hope" correlate to "work". Can we hope for work? Can Obama get out of this recession? 


iRock said...

If I'm correct, that picture looks as if it's taken from the Great Depression and Obama's "O" is stuck into a "Will Hope for Work" sign to show that the American society is hoping that Obama is able to create jobs and create "work". Hope is connected to work in that there is no hope without jobs in this nation. And to answer the final question, with the stimulus plan, hopefully Obama CAN get the nation out of recession. The plan is very ambitious and indeed just might solve the crisis with jobs.

Brandon C. said...

The author uses obama's O to satirize how we've been hoping so much that obama will come and solve all our problems, but the fact is is that the work of not only obama but many men will have to get us out of our current situation which could take easily years seeing how far we've fallen during the bush administration

ritchie said...

this picture shows how we place too much power on hope and we need someone who can offer more than hope we need change

Caroline Watson said...

It seems that this picture is saying that americans have lost hope for our country, and that we have to be bribed into it.

Austin Weiss-Cox said...

people all put thier own belief and faith into one figure, be that god or some hero of theirs. often times we forget that we can change ourselves, this picture represents a person who lost hope in himself, and placed all of it in obama. when his expectations werent met, he had no hope in anyone, hopeless.