Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Drug for the Cheerful

What is this video saying?
Do you agree or disagree?
Has our Nation really gotten that bad with our use of prescription drugs?
What are your thoughts.


Courtney said...

This video is stating that our lifestyle is generally grumpy. We're frustrated, grouchy, and just overall mean to one another. Therefore once again when someone is different (in this case, happy), something is clearly wrong with them.

Prescription drugs has become a major problem in our country. This video is displaying the idea that as pill popping becomes second nature, we as a people are not stopping to think about what we are doing or why we are doing it.

Courtney said...

Both ideas of bad attitudes of Americans and the prescription drug issue are depicted in this video by the use of juvenalien satire. There is a serious, didactic tone as the reporter discusses the medical charts and interviews those who are affected.

Vyyy said...

In video, it is satirizing society's readiness to pop pills. Because the woman was different from everyone around her, she was ostracized for being happy. She then felt the need to seek medical attention for being "too happy". In our society, people use prescription drugs for almost every ailment or illness, whether it be Tylenol for a headache, or Adderall for ADD. People seek prescriptions from a doctor, who easily prescribe medications, for any reason they deem to be serious. I think that people should seek other remedies first before using prescription drugs, as some of them cause an addiction after prolonged use. Now-a-days, you can find prescription drugs in the streets. People pop painkillers such as Vicodin or anti-depressants such as Xanax, not to alleviate their pain or reduce their depression, but to gain the effects of popping several of the pills. This obviously shows that prescription drugs are too readily available because anyone can get their hands on them, whether from a doctor or from a drug dealer.

092166 said...

The video also brings up the companies roles in these issues. In the parody one of the companies representatives states that the medicine is essential and the “natural” ways to induce depression are obsolete. This can be seen as a typical statement from a pharmaceutical company, saying that their product is the only effective or reliable way to attain the desired results. So therefore the video shows validity in that regard.

Jasmine said...

I think that this is saying that most of the time are usually grumpy and mad. And also that we can make a perscription for everything even when theres actually nothing wrong with us.

jennifer caballero said...

Some people have serious psychological problems and are unable to live a normal life naturally.Fortunately there is some relief for these people with the use of modern medicine.However not everybody is abnormal and not everybody needs medication.there needs to be a line drawn to determine what is normal and abnormal that is fair and does not in some way make everybody have some mental problem.

jennifer caballero said...

(giselle a.)people have abused drug prescriptions ever since the 70s majorly. Drugs should only be used for the REALLY sick.

zahraa said...

In the clip “A Drug for the Cheerful” there is a clear satire of American Society. The clip illustrates that in American Society drugs are simply used as if they were food. People are obsessed with drugs one reason being they provide rapid treatment for minor symptoms such as headaches or when a person is experiencing a simple cold they relay on the drugs instead of their immune system, thus when using drugs for everything a person is lessening the strength of the immune system . The clip also implies that in America we practically diagnose every symptom to be related to some kind of disease. Example a child not paying attention in class or just can’t wait until play time these symptoms are diagnosed as ADHD. And there are many drugs prescribed some with side effects of unable to sleep, lack of appetite to me this seems ridiculous because first the child is being given medication to improve in his health not gain more concerns and some children are being misdiagnosed just because of the close association of ADHD symptoms.

8th Wonder said...

The abuse of drugs by Americans is staggeringly high. Our dependency on drugs to do everything for use is ridiculous. There is a drug for everything now in days. A drug for BO or for smelly feet or for acne stuff that can be fixed by conventional means are made into a pill and swallowed. The horatian satire in this video furthers this. We as consumers of America have to easily an access of drugs from getting them from our doctors or getting them from drugs stores. also that just because some of use have a slight difference in personality or physical aspects we immediately think we need to fix, or the only way to fix it is with a drug.

Lacey said...

The video shows how our society depend on drugs to cure everything. Oh my head hurts ASPIRIN, oh I have anxiety DRUGS! Doctors prescribe drugs like its candy, which have led to serious issues and even death with some people. The dependence they we have created on drugs will continue to be an issue as long as people are too sad, too happy, too distracted, to flustered.

beeftac0s.r.[yum] said...
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beeftac0s.r.[yum] said...

I think the point being made here has to do with finding the perfect medium in regards to personality. Usually an ad like this would be reversed, with the object displaying not enough liveliness, but supposedly the woman in this commercial has too much of the right stuff (happiness), therefore her mood is wrong so obliviously she needs a pill to correct the error, enabling her to have a controlled, reasonable attitude that everyone else should admire, because she has a the perfect proportion of human emotions that one should need in order to be a productive member of society.