Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Big Bang Treaty

At the core of the debate over nuclear arms, the question is whether weapons give our country safety and security through power and protection, or whether they cause a Cold War like tension to our international relations and around the world. Analyze how the video presents Obama's solution to this problem to cast it in a specific light, and how it structures its argument, along with how it presents and responds to the opposition.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Jon Stewart begins his argument by first giving his position on Obama's steps to becomming a world without nuclear weapons. He believes that this goal is too far-fetched and believes it to be one of those "hit-me statements". He uses clips of Obama to show his linguistic expertise that make his goal sound possible, but are very vague in text. Jon continues to poke fun at Obama by saying that it's no big deal to sign a treaty with a "country that he has already turned us into" when he refers to the treaty with Russia. Jon brings up a new argument when he shows that FOX is inaccurate in explaining the nuclear treaty. He proves this with mulitiple clips of FOX in which they clearly have no idea what they are talking about- he even compares FOX reporters to beavis and butthead. FOX has been twisting Obama's clear treaty into a "willfull misunderstanding" of the policy. They are not accurately reporting on the words of President Obama and take the stand that the US is becomming defenseless even though we will still have 2/3rds of our nuclear weapons- which Jon jokingly says is still enough to "annialite the world 5-7 times". In discussing items like this, FOX should stop misreading what is black and white and accurately report to Americans the right stuff. We arent completely defenseless with only 1/3 or our nuclear weapons gone and we should be open for negotiation with other nuclear countries.