Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Because the government cares so much about global warming...

How does this cartoon illustrate a satirical view on the government's involvement in the issue/nonissue of global warming?


Rachel Templer said...

haha... first of all this is hilarious.... second of all I see the definate rhetoric used in this cartoon. The indiference that the president is showing to the threat of global warming (and glaciers melting) is shown by half submerging the white house. The artist successfully shows how The "white house" is choosing to ignore the threat of global warming even though it is literally at its door step... (I especially like the ducks swimming in the front yard "pond" of the white house) haha

Andrea said...

The cartoon illustrates a satircal view on the governments involvement in global warming through the understatement "The President's indifference to global warming was starting to show". This is an understatement because it's paired with a picture of the white house halfway sumberged under water- where it is obvious that the effects of global warming have been showing for quite some time. The artist argues in this cartoon that the president needs to become invloved in global warming or at least acknowledge it before it becomes too late.
In the cartoon the effects are obvious: water everywhere, ducks swimming, trees nearly submerged. Some people may argue that the effects today are just as obvious: sea level rising, climate change, temperature rise. However big the effects may be, the government should explore the effects and become involved someway or another.