What is this cartoon saying about the juvenile court system? It is just a joke? Should kids be treated the same as adults in regard to punishments for their crimes? Or should they be treated less severely due to their younger age? What's your position on the matter?
The cartoon is using horatian satire to comment on the juvenile court system. It is saying that minors are not being truly punished whenever they break the law. The system is a joke. The judge throwing spitballs at the child proves how ineffective the punishments are and how it is not a priority. The artist added the Bible thrown on the floor as if forgotten showing that courts have lost its moral and hope. The court is a mess lacking discipline which is taught in the bible. Juvenile court needs to be a more serious depending on the crime. Some crimes are not truly dangerous to others and come from youthful spirit trying to have fun or just rebel against everyone trying to control or intimidate them. Consequently trying to be harder on them will just make them act worse. However some crimes are committed out of hate and violent places. Often by teens that have matured faster than what is said to be a normal rate. Meaning their mind is already one of an adult even if they have not reached the legal age to be considered an adult by the courts. If a person, regardless of age, is a danger to others around them, we do not need them free amongst society. They deserve to be punished as a criminal, which they are.
This is horatian satire based on that the court is a serious matter but the author is expressing it in a way for it to be taken lightly. The judges are pictured as juveniles as well, acting much less then their age and not taking anything seriously. Depending on the situation, I think that in some way this is okay. Kids will be kids, and if the offense isn't that big of a deal then let that be that. They'll grow up and learn. No child should have to do prison time for throwing a spitball. At the same time, if a child is going to commit an adult crime, then in some cases they should serve adult time.
This picture is basically saying that the juvenile court system is a joke and not as important. In reality this is really serious and should be taken seriouly because this is someone's life that is being talked about here, someones reputation. It's really sad when the illustrator uses the pathos because it made me feel really to see that someones punishment was being taken as a joke. Although children do commit adult crime and they should do the time but i don't think their punishment should be as severe because the mind is still going. Children should be treated with respect as the same as an adult but keep in mind that they are still children.
This cartoon is making something that should be taken seriously a joke. It is saying that we don't give out real punishment to juneviles and that we are not hard on the kids who deserve to something done to them.
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