Cloning has been a controversial issue since it was realized possible by the latest advancements in technology. So, where do we draw the line? Who's to make the decision of creating a life? Scientists or a higher being? What are your thoughts on the matter?
I believe that cloning is crossing the line. I do not believe life is something to mess with, and being raised as a devout Catholic, I believe that only God is allowed to decide creating a person. I don't think scientists should be allowed the decision to create a life. I think in vitro fertilization is crossing the line, but cloning is going too far. Technology can only get us so far. By imitating something that should never be imitated, we are destroying the only extraordinary traits that sets us apart from everyone else.
cloning is just wrong. any way you look at it, it's not right.
the christian way: it is ultimately god's choice who lives what life and no one else's. it's unnatural and morally wrong to change god's plans.
and in general: look at all the possible things that could go wrong, not that our population couldnt use some control, but common sense and usual morals tell us that hurting other people is wrong and abuses their rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
The idea of cloning a person can cause huge controversies with religion, nature and people. Cloning people is not normal and we should draw lines that would prevent it from happening.
There is not a person or scientist who has the right to create life.
It's nature that has the decision in creating life.
No matter how far in technology we go, it should not be used to mess up nature and its path of creating life. Let nature decide.
I believe that cloning a human being is morally unethical. Scientist imply that if we can discover a way to clone others we can help the sick and needy meaning create donor parts right away. Cloning a person bringing them to life in labs growing to be someone else is an idea that should not completed. Creating a clone simply to have a donor available when you experience a certain illness is unethical. Also when thinking about the scientist ways of testing and the many failed clone attempts think about the many embryos growing then dying just unethical. Also when thinking religious wise I believe that only god has the right to create humans and if such attempts of cloning would processed the lab results will end up in a catastrophe.
haha, I love how its all girls who answered this so far. Yet all of you (I assume) are talking about human cloning, there are other types of cloning for instance how about body parts that are cloned? (Arms, legs, kidneys, livers, lungs) if we cloned these parts of humans and kept them in case of emergency (such as an accident that horrifically disfigures you) then the use of it would be positive. I mean we use prosthetic arms and legs, we are combining humans & machines in the past weren’t they almost considered "un-holy"? Yet that’s an advancement of health, so if I have my arm completely disfigured and cloning can reproduce another arm for me to use then why shouldn't I use it? We as individuals try to take a logical or moral road on this issue. I believe that "complete" human cloning such as making a second me is ethical/morally/and down right disturbingly wrong. Yet knowing how to clone body parts and the practice of that is fine, as long as it’s for a medical reason that is at a certain level. Like we can't clone an arm and have it on the human because they have tattoo they don't like or a scar they now think is ugly. They must have a good enough reason that ascertains their cloned body part. Also scientist should not be the one who decides if we should continue cloning or not. I believe that it should be a collective vote, sort of like a presidential election yet on a state level. The issue is presented to the masses and the masses decide if they should do it or not. Also it shouldn't be federal, its not stated in the constitution that the president has the right to set a law on all of America on this issue. It should be regulated by state to state that way if people don't like the outcome of one state then they can move to another state that chooses a different outcome.
Cloning doesn’t have to be an unethical thing. With the reproduction of artificial humans science will have new realms of ideas and research to attempt. But that’s as far as it should go. Creating exact and complete copies of a human is defiantly just asking for trouble, but what about an exact copy without the brain? Replace it with a computer, and now you have expendable flesh for whatever you need for experiments or other applications where an actual human would be in danger. Just don’t give the mass of organic matter any sentience and then no harm is done. Now other reactions could include disturbing thoughts of what can still happen to the body, but new radical concepts sometimes have this reaction.
Cloning is JUMPING the line...many people want clones but i seriously don't understand why. This is messing up the human race because this is ridiculous. I don't believe that scientists should be able to depict birth only GOD. CLoning a person isn't the real thing that came by the "normal" process between a MAN and WOMAN after marriage. A baby is a gift from God now it's like a gift from...MAN...which is crazy!!!The choice is up to God of whether who can have babies and what sex...not paying thousands of dollars to make a facsimiles of God's creation. When i heard about the dog being cloned that was just out of proportion!
Cloning pushes the boundaries,the ultimate example to the proverbial question of "if you can do something, should you?" There are obvious religious stances to the issue, but those have already been argued, the real argument lays in, religious or not, cloning crosses the line, and science has shown that it isn't responsible with technology, (ex:atomic and nuclear energy) so why would we not assume we could face the "WMD" of cloning one day?
Cloning...whoa thats CrAZY!! I am a strong believer that people are different for a reason and to use science to make people the same just doesen't make any sense! Technology is wonderful, but I think the energy that is used for cloning should be aimed towards cancer research or something of that nature. Who gave scientist the right to create life, doing so is just crossing the line. Our world thrives on each persons indviduality.
So I'm going to take a stab at defending this advancement.
First of all, don't start off thinking that scientists are going to be using this technology (atleast anytime soon) to actually make duplicates of an entire person. Not only would modern culture keep that from happening (as seen by the negativity of these 10 responses before me), but that is not really their main goal. The most significant technology that has resulted from cloning and tissue reproduction is organ replacement (i.e. fixing heart failure), but also the possibility to cure "uncurable" conditions by use of cloning, such as cancer, aids, and the like.
I believe that cloning of organs to help patients who have a failing vital organs is the only reason that scientists should clone. However, this should not be used for curing cancer or other diseases. Nature is very delicate and every time we find a loophole, nature finds a way to even the odds. For every vaccine there is another bigger and stronger mutation of the old virus.
Not all cloning is a bad thing. This is a major medical discovery that can save many lives if perfected. The very first succesful cloning of a mammal was Dolly the sheep. this was a HUGE break through and was all over the news. Doctors can also regrow ears and other body parts without bones on other animals without causeing any harm. However, cloning a human is just wrong. There is no need in this day and age to do that and no reason at all. Technology is what has set us apart and helps us grow and advance as a human race but it can only go so far until someone needs to draw the line and say what is right, and what is wrong.
yea cloning someone made a good television show to watch but it shouldn't be anything serious. there is only one creator which is god he has a purpose for everything. why would you want someone to look just like you twins arent the exact same thing so why clon someone. you must have to be really concieted to wanting someone to look just like you. all because you know you can do it dont make it a right to actually do it.
I'm sorry but if you honestly believe that if you get a clone of yourself its going to be your exact twin, your an idiot. Each and every one of us is our own personal being, it's the things that make up our personalities that create who we are, not how we were born. Is it over the line? possibly, but its not up to any of you, not up to your god either to make that say. Two kids standing side by side, one's a clone the other was the original child. Who's to say that the clone isnt going to go on to become the next president and be the best one in history. while the "original" becomes a wild drunkard and a wife beater. we create ourselves. whether we were cloned from something or not, were still a human being with thoughts and emotions. just because you were born from a womb doesnt give you an automatic passport into life as a good person.
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