Friday, May 28, 2010

Technological Satire

What is the artist here satirizing? Why?

Political Satire

 What is the meaning behind this political cartoon? What precedents led to this viewpoint?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Great Gatsby

My sentiments exactly.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pouring on pounds

How does this ad appeal to the public?

(just click on the title to see the picture)

cherish the chickens

Is the ad effective in the sense that it makes you see the chicks as chicken nuggets? How does the ad make its point through the use of guilt? Is it influential enough to change a persons meat intake?


What is the cartoon satirizing?

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Problem with the News Today

The problem with the News today is the subtle prejudice, this prejudice branches out to both major political parties. Republicans and Democrats alike both sway their parties in the direction they so choose.

The Republican media Fox News, while claiming to be "Fair and Balanced." Most frequently features talk show hosts downplaying our currently president, by talking to people who support him, using polls and focusing their news reports on current events, usually his mistakes. While I'm not against it, because somebody has to... They could shift to some of the more pleasant highlights of our everyday lives.

The Liberal media does not give us any news regarding the president, MSN/NBC/CNN... had plenty to say about Dubbya. They harassed our previous president to no end. I agree Bush made mistakes, but what's frustrating is the complete obliviousness to Barack Obama, and the problem is that the greater population of the United States watches these channels over Fox. The politically uneducated youth does not hear about our President's mistakes, or faults. They're protected from the truth.

Agree/Disagree, what could America do to stop this issue? Discuss the controversial poster if you choose.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

belittling blonds

Explain the controversy that follows blonds. Why is it stereotypical that blonds are ditzy? Where did this stem from, and why is it still present in out current society?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

'Shop Till you Etc'

John Campbell's strip focuses on the blatancy big business employs when offering a service or product that has little or no value to the consumer. Despite acknowledging this fact, the consumer still purchases the product, and quietly accepts the torment from this acknowledgment. Campbell's strip 'Pictures for Sad Children' facilitates deadpan, anti-humor, and often absurd punchlines to display his nihilistic outlook and anxiety when dealing with the world. Humans are portrayed fully aware of the problems in their life, but completely accepting and unwilling to combat or change the issue. I think this is an interesting and possibly accurate portrayal of western culture and the current human condition. While many problems in society are being tackled and dealt with competently, I feel many things that could be improved are unnoticed or accepted by humanity.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Obama Change

What is being satirized in this picture, and how is it being done?


What is the cartoonist satirizing, and how are they doing it?


What does this cartoon satirize? What does it say about America? What has our economy come to?


What is being satirized in this cartoon? Any appeals?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fight To Get Ahead

Now a day you can find war in the street, people fighting like animals, discussion... Guns; causing all types of problems and that is enough to know that the war is in any place. When you go out of the university to find a job, you have to be aggressive, determinate, have courage, but be a real person who has patience, because people fight for everything.
In todays life does it seem like being in the military is just another job? Is it really an easier and better path to join up than study up?

Are we running out of rocks?

What is being satirized in this article? Is there any truth in what is being said?

The Big Bang Treaty

At the core of the debate over nuclear arms, the question is whether weapons give our country safety and security through power and protection, or whether they cause a Cold War like tension to our international relations and around the world. Analyze how the video presents Obama's solution to this problem to cast it in a specific light, and how it structures its argument, along with how it presents and responds to the opposition.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Church & State.

What does this say about the concept of separation of church and state? How does this political cartoon criticize that theory and its abuses? What other appeals are used?

(Click the title for the cartoon)


What does this political cartoon satirize? What appeals are being used?

(Click the title for the cartoon) :)


Since the beginning of the Cold War and before, there has been a struggle between the free market capitalist government and the more communistic socialist approach. The cases for both of the arguments consist mainly of the rights of free citizens, the overall welfare of the people, and the effectiveness of the system. However this takes on a more moral approach. Determine the main argument of the video, and how it uses different comedic methods to make its argument. Also analyze the argument it makes about the exaggerated negative view and demonization of socialism in a capitalist society, and the methods it uses to make the argument.