Today a group presented, there movie was
Control Room and
they really opened my eyes because most of the time the news is very bias and it only tells us when American soldiers are killed and wounded. What is the artist saying and what rhetorical devices are used?
i saw this one today it was really good. it opened my eyes too ... the united states limits everything we know. they only use logic and ethos while the other places such as iraq use pathos to show their news...the news cast in the u.s. needs to be more open and let us know whats going on rather then trying to hide the real situation.
The news is very biased because they only show us what they want. Although we held people they only showed the enemy holding our soldiers but didn't show us what we were doing to them. We made them seem bad but we have no idea we're doing to them. The news need to show both sides and not hold sides and make more side seem worse over one another. If your going to tell a story then the news is the one to spread the news locally then they need to get both views instead of trying to hide things they dont think need to known.
It is amazing what a clip and presentation can show you. This cartoon illustrates the problem of biased news perfectly. It totally shows that what is reported can be blatantly untrue by looking at the facts in the real situation rather then what the news tells us. It really tugs at your ethos, how can that be right? That is what i asked myself. The actions are against what is considered ethically OK. That then triggers a logos situation in my mind, how can i trust something that is against my personal values. That just doesn't make sure and makes me not believe everything i hear, at least so easily.
The news sometimes are very biased as shown in this political cartoon. We may be doing the same thing that people in iraq are doing the same to the Amercians, it's just that the media views it in a way where the viewers may think it's right, or how can they do this to us.etc...
but they don't realize that we may be doing the same thing
The cartoon is basicly stating that the United States tortures its war prisoners and that the United States Congress looks away as the atrocities are committed. To the average american the cartoon appeals to their ethical values as it questions whether or not the american are committing crimes by torturing their prisoners. Ethos is addressed in the movie as well when the director states that the United States is hypocritical when they expect their prisoners to be treated with respect, but then they do not reciprocate that desire when it comes to dealing with prisoners of other countries. The name Guantanamo Bay comes to mind when one thinks of this and we are reassured that the U.S. is very hypocritical.
Both sides of the stories need to be told dont hide what is being done by the united states tell us. The news is very Biased
It is true that all Medias are bias, but this is due to our human nature of appealing to our own country and people. The documentary Control Room representes this fact by showing an Arabic channel Al jazeera and its bias commercials and topics towards the Iraqi people, but as the documentary progressed an American Central Command officer expresses his realization that although Al jazeera is bias but Fox News also conveys Patriotism. This cartoon also illustrates the hidden truth of what is being said and what is being done. How ethics plays in the government as an ignorant matter that is not worth any concern.
The media is most definitely biased and almost always in favor of keeping the calm. we commit atrocities to Iraqis and the American people justify it on "they do it to us were just returning the favor" the government commits terrible deeds and covers it up for the good of the populous. and in reality its good that we don't know. its not good that its happening but we don't have much alternative. the question is where is it that they are crossing the line? like with the swine flu. the government reports said that about a hundred people died across the "great country of America" however one of my friend's mom works at a hospital that had 120 people die in it.can you guess from what? thats right swine flu! in your opinion where should the media stop and just tell the american people whats going on?
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