Hey guys, let's kick this sucker off. What is the argument in this video (the link is at the bottom)? What are the tools that are used to prove this point? Is it funny? What makes it funny? Is humor a rhetorical device?
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Let me know what you think, because thinking is the key.
Watch the video here.
To my best knowledge and guess the videos argument is that Palin is just a figure head and didn't really deserve to go to the white house as V.P, while Hillary fought her way through and dug her way to this election. Palin just got a free ticket to join. (Personally opinion: she is just a figure head for McCain campaign) (THIS IS OMER)
I feel that the skit is poking fun at both women but in different ways. SNL is just portraying Sarah Palin as an air headed former beauty queen who does not know anything about politics and is simply confused. However they also portray Hillary as a bitter old women who still wishes she won the democratic seat for the election and resents Palin for her oppourtunity. She is also portrayed as a little haughty and does not really want to be anywhere near Palin or other Republican party members.
I believe that the skit is hilarious! SNL protrays both women this way, they use humor to demonstrate how their "ignorance" or lack of knowledge can be entertaining. Sarah Palin is shown as a mere form of campaigning, demonstrating that the only thing she is good for is to be some kind of model. On the other hand, Hilary is shown as a pretty angry woman because of her lose to Obama. Of course I believe that humor is a rhetorical device because it is used to prove this argument.
Comments look good so far. Instead of just saying Palin is a beauty queen, for instance, "show your work" and include how you got the association of beauty queen.
Another tool the skit uses for humor is sarcasm. Some examples are when Hillary's actor says she is a supporter of Obama, when it seams she is only supporting because of political reasons. Her proof of supporting Obama is the campaign button, which helps reason the sarcasm. Another example is when the actors talk about wanting to be President, and Hillary's actor says that if she really wanted to be the President, she just had to want it more. The sarcasm in this is the amount of effort she already put in to the race just to be a nominee.
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