Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How does this picture portray Mr. Nesbitt to someone who might not know him? Do you think a viewer would get an accurate image?


Unknown said...

Wow! Never thought I would be the subject to rhetorical analysis. I'm flattered. Make sure your claims are backed up by evidence.

cherelse said...

If they knew he was a teacher, then i would think that they would portray him as a laid back, and non-uptight man, because of the way he is dressed in the picture, with his cargo pants and slip on sandals.

Smart Aleck said...

You need orange glasses... sorry no rhetorhical whosiwhatsit at this hour =)

8th Wonder said...

Well, in the illustration the character seems to be cool & relaxed at the same time. His sandals and and his cacky shorts gives the impression of person who takes comfortability over fashion. Also the shades provides a certain cliché that help bolster the character's "coolness" yet no where in the cartoon would one expect it to be a representation of a teacher. Since most perception of teachers in cartoons are people who are strict, mean, and sporting an optional wooden yard stick. For educational reasons.

kristinmarieh said...

the illustration shows mr. nesbitt as a fun guy, but is not very realistic since it is lacking in burnt orange, which is strange. and he's wearing sandals, which i haven't seen yet.

iRock said...

Seeing this picture automatically reflects an image of a chilled guy who's relaxed and carefree, also really cool and calm and just great to be around!

The sunglasses and the clothing all contribute to this.

Keyara said...
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Keyara said...
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Keyara said...

The picture would send out a message for viewers that didn't know him as a laid back person and i would think that if he were a te
acher than he would be more on the students side because he seems to be more connected to the students. If i didn't know him then i would think that he didn't teach just let the students run wild if it were stated that he was a teacher.If i had no idea that he was a teacher then i wouldn't think that he was i would think that he was like a student or something because of the flip flops, shades and shirt. Which is totally opposite of mr.nesbitt because he obviously teaches in is totally the opposite of what i just described so it ties back to the question of how would i portray him just based on the picture if i didn't know him.

Courtney said...

Like many readers have stated, the ONLY thing missing from this picture is burnt orange.

This picture really captures more than his appearance- it captures his views, his additude, his lifestyle.

You can tell a lot about someone by the way they hold themselves. By the way he has his hands in his pockets, an expressionless, chill face, and his appearance as very relaxed and casual, it really contributes to his personality. I do not see any reason for a false accusation.

Kara Mask said...

This portrayal is both true and false at the same time.

It gives the illusion that this man, a man of blue-patterned cotton shirts and cargoes, must be that of a laid-back dude.

Whereas we all know, as students, that the "lazy sunglasses" are a complete lie!

Although this man dresses as such a character, he is,in fact, busy fostering loads of homework for his poor students, actively upping his play counts on his ipod, and writing a novel-all things, that would contradict that of a person whom is so laid back.